
    056 - Accumulator Method String Practice 4

    056 - Accumulator Method String Practice 4

    Write a method header on line two with the following specs: Returns: a String Name: surround Parameters: a String called s a char called search_term Then complete the method by programming the following behavior Return a new String built from s that has every instance of the search term surrounded by parentheses See below examples. Examples: surround("abcabcabc",'c') ==> "ab(c)ab(c)ab(c)" surrou..

    054 - Accumulator Method String Practice 2

    054 - Accumulator Method String Practice 2

    Write a method header on line two with the following specs: Returns: a String Name: thirdLetter Parameters: a String called s Then complete the method by programming the following behavior Returns every 3rd letter of the String s, starting the first letter. See below examples. Examples: thirdLetter("hello there") ==> "hltr" thirdLetter("technology") ==> "thly" Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12..

    051 - Accumulator Method Challenge 1 (optional)

    051 - Accumulator Method Challenge 1 (optional)

    Write a method header on line two with the following specs: Returns: an integer Name: countString Parameters: a String called str a String called toFind Purpose: Count the number of occurrences of toFind within str. See below examples. Examples: countString("crazy crayfish crushing craniums", "cra") ==> 3 countString("sometimes solutions dont come on time", "me") ==> 4 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9..

    041 - Method Header Practice 6

    041 - Method Header Practice 6

    Write a method header on line two with the following specs: Returns: a boolean Name: bothEven Parameters: an integer called "num1" an integer called "num2" Then, starting on line 4, write code that will return true if both num1 and num2 are even. Return false otherwise. Examples: bothEven(4,6) ==> true bothEven(3,4) ==> false bothEven(-1,1) ==> false 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 import java.uti..

    040 - Method Header Practice 5

    040 - Method Header Practice 5

    Write a method header on line two with the following specs: Returns: a double Name: negate Parameters: a double called "num" Then, starting on line 4, write the code that will return the opposite value of num (if it's positive, make it negative, otherwise make it positive) Examples: 4 ==> -4 -10 ==> 10 1 ==> -1 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 import java.util.*; class Main { public static..

    036 - Method Header Practice 1,2

    036 - Method Header Practice 1,2

    036 - Method Header Practice 1 Write a method header on line two with the following specs: Returns: an integer Name: practiceOne Parameters: none You should not be writing code on any line other than #2 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 import java.util.*; public class Main { public int practiceOne(){ { return 2; } } } 037 - Method Header Practice 2 Write a method header on line two with the f..